Teaching Schools Vs. Research Schools

Business schools around the country are either a teaching school or a research school, depending on their emphasis. The school that puts a major focus on faculty teaching is the teaching school. Schools that turn faculty focus on research are considered research schools. There are some major differences between the schools that can help students determine if they want to attend the school or not.
  1. Type of Faculty

    • One of the key differences between teaching and research schools is the type of faculty hired. A research school hires teachers who are accomplished in business researching skills. These teachers have a primary focus on quality and quantity of research, according to the website Grad Source. The faculty in a teaching school, on the other hand, are accomplished in teaching and put a focus on educating and giving advice to students.

    Student Teachers

    • Another main difference between the schools is who teaches classes. The research school is likely to have graduate students as teachers in classes, while the faculty spends time in research projects. Teaching school courses are primarily taught by the faculty and student teachers are uncommon.

    School Prestige

    • The prestige of a school varies depending on the school, but the majority of the schools which have high prestige are research schools. Since the faculty focuses on personal research and achievement, they are able to publish and show further understanding of a subject than their counterparts at a teaching school.

    Student Satisfaction

    • The satisfaction of students does not differ much depending on the type of school. J. Scott Armstrong, a teacher from the University of Pennsylvania, concluded that there is little correlation between the school's prestige and education style and the satisfaction of the graduates upon leaving the school.

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