Grants for Student Teachers

One of the final steps toward an education degree is student teaching, which is often an unpaid position. This can be difficult for students trying to make ends meet. There are grants, which do not require repayment, available to student teachers.
  1. Types

    • Grant money is available through the U.S. Department of Education for student teachers who will eventually work in high-need districts.


    • The American Federation of Teachers has a list of grants and scholarships, as well as loan forgiveness programs. Many require working in high-need areas.


    • States often have grants and scholarships for student teachers. State education departments will offer lists of these funds.


    • Private funding, such as through the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, offers fellowships for student teachers willing to work in public schools while completing their masters degree.


    • Colleges and universities may be the source of grants for student teachers through the education department or financial aid office. Grants may be geared to specific subjects or degrees.

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