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Grants for School Student Uniforms

School uniforms help students focus more on their education and less on what they and their peers are wearing. The uniforms themselves, however, can be pricey. There are many area-based grant programs that assist low-income families with uniform costs. The requirements usually entail that the student is enrolled in school and the overall household income meets a certain level, which varies based on the organization.
  1. Kerr Foundation

    • Students in Oklahoma can take advantage of a grant provided by the Kerr Foundation. The grant is given to students who have a low family income, and it allows them to purchase both school supplies and uniforms. The program began in 1981 and helps to connect "those in need of giving, to those in need of receiving," according to their Website. The funding and availability of the grants varies from year to year based on the amount the program receives.

    Operation School Bell

    • Students in Long Beach, California, have the opportunity to take part in "Operation School Bell-Assistance League of Long Beach." The program helps low-income students obtain school clothes so they can feel more comfortable in their learning environment. The fund provides for all grade levels by giving students free uniforms. The grant provided 7,500 students with uniforms in the 2009/2010 school year.

    Back-to-School Supplement

    • New York gave a $200 grant in 2009 to hundreds of thousands of families who were on welfare for school expenses. The money could be spent on school uniforms as well as other school supplies. The money is given to families who use social services or food stamps and have children between the ages of three and 17.

    Open Your Heart to the Hungry and Homeless Foundation

    • The "Open Your Heart to the Hungry and Homeless Foundation" provides a grant to poverty-level families for purchasing uniforms and other school supplies. The funding amounts are area-specific, and the foundation usually offers eligible families around $2,000 per school year.

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