Colleges With Law Degrees in North Carolina

North Carolina has a choice of public and private universities, most of which provide a law degree (either undergraduate or graduate) for all applicants interested in pursuing a career in law. Law school provides the training necessary to become an attorney and prepare for state bar examination; at most North Carolina universities you can progress from a three- to -four year baccalaureate degree straight into the school of law (master's degree and higher) at the same university.
  1. North Carolina Central University School of Law

    • North Carolina Central University offers full-time and part-time courses in the School of Law with the potential to lead to a Juris Doctorate. Courses are available in various law specialisms and are delivered to help students achieve their highest potential; typically, students studying at North Carolina Central University study two or three hours outside of course time for every hour of course time. Applicants for the North Carolina Central University School of Law require a high degree (a high second or above) and a LSAT score from the last three years.

    Charlotte School of Law

    • Charlotte School of Law, North Carolina, is an independent law school offering part-time evening courses and full-time degrees in law. Charlotte School of Law offers graduate and undergraduates degrees in various law specialties, including advanced courses for promising students. The curriculum includes dedicated workshops for undergraduates progressing into the School of Law (or other universities) for a master's degree and support for passing state bar examinations and gaining further accreditations, as well as an Academic Success Team to assist students in realizing their full potential.

    University of North Carolina

    • The University of North Carolina School of Law was founded in 1895 and offers strong courses specializing in civil rights, banking, environmental law, intellectual law, property law and bankruptcy. The school offers master's degree courses and joint degree (dual-degree) courses on a range of law subjects, both part time and full time, and as of January 2011 has plans to offer an LL.M. course for foreign students who have already received a primary law degree in their own country.

    Duke University School of Law

    • Duke University School of Law offers graduate degrees for students, including dual degrees and specialisms in specific law areas. There are 337 courses to choose from at the university including professional development courses, combined law Ph.D. degrees with politics and philosophy, and preparation for bar examinations.

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