Highly Accredited Colleges for Music Degrees in North Carolina

North Carolina features an array of opportunities for students looking to attend highly accredited colleges for music degrees. You can earn a degree from a highly accredited institution in composition, musicology, music industry business and music education, as well as other specialties. Some of North Carolina's accredited colleges offer bachelor's degrees, master's degrees and doctorates. The state is large, so you can get a good music education in a city or town that suits your liking.
  1. UNC Greensboro

    • The University of North Carolina at Greensboro offers many music-based degrees. You can earn a Bachelor of Music in Performance degree, a Bachelor of Music in Music Education or a Bachelor of Arts in Music. The UNCG School of Music has been accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music since 1938 and is the only school in the state where you can study from undergrad through your doctorate all at the same campus. The school also claims to be the first school in the south to offer a degree in music education, since 1912.

    UNC Wilmington

    • The University of North Carolina at Wilmington offers three types of music degrees: Bachelor of Music in Performance, Bachelor of Music in Music Education and a Bachelor of Arts in Music. Within the performance realm, you can focus on instrumentals, jazz studies, keyboard or vocals. The music education degree has vocal track and instrumental track options as well. The Department of Music at UNCW touts that it maintains a student-to-teacher ratio of nine to one; it is accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music.

    Duke University

    • Duke University, a prestigious private institution located in Durham, North Carolina, offers master's and doctorate degrees in the music field. You can get an A.M. and a Ph.D. in composition and also musicology, or you can earn an A.M. in performance practice studies. Duke has a policy that prefers master's students continue on to get their doctorates. The school features performance and research facilities that hold thousands of archives, and there are nine vocal and instrumental performing groups.

    Appalachian State

    • Appalachian State, located in the far western area of the state in Boone, is the home to the Hayes School of Music, which offers seven different undergraduate music degree options and three graduate degrees. The school presents nearly 190 live performances each year to give students tangible experience in addition to studies. About 475 students attend the school, and there are about 50 faculty at the accredited institution.

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