Schools of Modeling

Models are professionals who help companies advertise products such as food, cosmetics or clothing and accessories through TV, live modeling events or print publications. Models must have attractive facial features and be within certain ranges for weight and height, according to Employment of these professionals is projected to rise by 16 percent from 2008 to 2018, and their median hourly wages in May 2008 were $13.18, reports the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Modeling schools help prepare students to enter this highly competitive field.
  1. Certificate

    • Individuals who want to enter the modeling industry can complete modeling certificate training programs that last less than a year. These types of programs are available at private proprietary schools, according to Although employers typically look for models who simply have a high school diploma or GED, completing postsecondary training at a modeling school can help students to hone their skills and make them more attractive to potential employers. In addition, many agents look for fresh models at modeling schools.

    School Preparation

    • Before enrolling in a modeling school, students should take high school classes such as speech, theater, fashion design and dance. While looking for potential modeling schools, students should make sure the school features regular student productions to which the student body and community are invited, which will allow them to gain feedback on their modeling techniques. Students also should ensure the school is connected with a wide variety of modeling agents, according to Maile Image Modeling and Acting School in Florida.


    • While at a modeling school, students practice how to improve their posture and walking, how to control their diet and how to apply makeup to achieve different looks. In addition, students learn how to care for their skin and hair. They also should learn how to select wardrobe colors and tones that fit their skin, how to capitalize on the use of different facial expressions and how to use props and perform pivots and turns in runway modeling. Students also should practice promotional modeling and retail modeling. Some schools also offer exercise and aerobic workshops to help modeling students maintain their figure.

    Hands-on Experience

    • Modeling schools typically allow students to practice their modeling skills through special hands-on final projects. For example, Julie Nation Professional Modeling Program in California requires modeling students to plan, organize and perform in a fashion show at the end of their program. Students at modeling schools also should learn how to develop a portfolio of pictures of themselves in various poses, settings and types of clothing to use in their job search. In addition, schools allow students to complete mock agency interviews with an agency director to understand modeling agency procedures.

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