Schools for Nurse Assistants Near Prescott Valley, Arizona

It is not possible to become a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) via online study as an essential part of the training includes practical clinical experience. A CNA or nurse aide has to pass the state CNA exam, which includes both written and physical skills sections. Some high schools in the Prescott Valley, Arizona area offer prerequisite courses for CNA classes, but residents have to commute to attend a college program.
  1. Yavapai College -- Prescott Campus

    • Yavapai College's Prescott Campus is nine miles from Prescott Valley and offers a five-credit nursing assistant course. Coursework includes communication and interpersonal skills, infection control, safety and emergency procedures, client needs, independence and rights, reporting abuse, mistreatment and neglect, basic nursing skills, personal care skills, care of the cognitively impaired client, basic restorative care, nursing team member skills and the legal aspects of nursing assistants. The course is comprised of three lectures and six labs and takes one 15-week semester to complete.

    Mesa Community College -- Mesa

    • Mesa Community College is located 90 miles south of Prescott Valley. The school offers a six-credit Nursing Assistant Program with 60 hours of classroom and 90 hours of labwork. The certificate course prepares students for the state CNA exam. Some classes may be taken online, but it is necessary for students to attend labs on campus to learn the physical aspects of nursing. Students learn how to assist patients with dressing, bathing, feeding, toileting. Other subjects include catheter care, reading vital signs, making beds, safety awareness, documentation and postmortem care.

    Coconino Community College -- Flagstaff

    • Coconino Community College is 87 miles north of Prescott Valley and offers a nursing assistant certificate. A minimum of 30 credit hours are required. Coursework includes introduction to health services, communication and behavior, health care ethics and law, medical terminology, human physiology and anatomy, with electives in computer literacy, algebra and nursing assistant clinical. Students must pass an entrance exam before being accepted into the program.

    Nurse Aide Skills

    • During the state CNA exam, students have to demonstrate proficiency in five of these areas: measuring and recording blood pressure, weight, urinary output, radial pulse and respirations; hand-washing; donning and removing gowns and gloves; applying compression hose; using transfer belts to move patients; bed pan assistance; providing oral care and cleaning dentures; dressing client with impaired upper mobility; feeding clients; giving modified bed baths; making an occupied bed; performing passive range of motion exercises for clients; positioning clients; providing catheter and perineal care for female clients; and providing fingernail care.

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