The Best Business Colleges in the U.S.

Students have long considered business schools as an educational choice because of their programs' wide application to many facets of society and ability to land students well-paying jobs right out of school. Bloomberg, one of the largest business- and finance-related publications in America, ranks the nation's business colleges by their ability to get students started in a fulfilling career.
  1. Undergraduate Programs

    • Undergraduate programs are designed for people seeking their bachelor's degree. Undergraduates typically attend college right out of high school, but this is in no way a requirement. The highest-ranked undergraduate business colleges according to Bloomberg are the University of Notre Dame, the University of Virginia, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the University of Pennsylvania, Cornell University and the University of California, Berkeley. Business colleges are widespread, though, so although these may represent the cream of the crop, it is still possible to get a quality education at many other schools.

    Full-Time and Part-Time MBA Programs

    • Full-time and part-time MBA programs offer students the ability to earn a master's degree in business administration, or an MBA. Full-time programs are designed for students with a lot of time to devote to their studies. Part-time programs take a little longer to complete because the student attends fewer classes in a single semester so they can have more time to focus on working and other activities. Highly ranked full-time institutes include University of Chicago, Harvard University, University of Pennsylvania, Northwestern University and Stanford University. Part-time programs are offered by these top schools: Worcester Polytechnic Institute; University of California, Los Angeles; University of California, Berkeley; University of Nebraska, Lincoln and University of Michigan.

    Executive MBA Programs

    • An executive MBA program is a special program geared toward preparing the upcoming wave of corporate executives. The world of these high-powered businessmen and -women is taxing, and a specialized education can help them prepare for the many pressures and challenges they will face at the top of the business world. The top schools offering Executive MBA, or EMBA, programs include Northwestern University, University of Chicago, University of Pennsylvania, Columbia University, University of Southern California and University of Michigan.

    Executive Training

    • This type of school is designed to train existing executives. It aims to strengthen their ability to lead and give them the tools they need to manage their companies and employees in the dynamic modern world. The highest-ranked schools that offer executive training are Harvard University, Stanford University, the Center for Creative Leadership, University of Pennsylvania and University of Michigan. These schools offer open enrollment for interested executives. Top schools offering customized study programs include the ones already mentioned, as well as Duke Corporate Education.

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