How to Pass the GED Reading Test

The GED reading test is composed of 50 multiple choice questions based on a variety of reading selections. These selections may include poetry, drama, fiction and non-fiction. A brief review of reading comprehension techniques will help you pass the test.


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      Read, read, read. Spending time reading is the only way to become a better reader. Take a pass on the romance and mystery novels and read biography, poetry, non-fiction, anything more difficult than your average reading matter.

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      Monitor your own comprehension. Make sure you're understanding what you're reading. If not, pause, reread, scan the material and reflect on what the author might be trying to say.

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      Ask questions. The GED reading test will ask many types of questions about the material you read, get a head start by practicing asking questions of your own about what you read. For example, ask, "What do I think will happen next?"

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      Draw inferences from the text. In order to pass the GED reading test, you will have to be able to read between the lines of the passages in the test. This allows you to draw conclusions, make predictions and analyze what you have read.

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      Draw pictures in your head. Writers use figurative language to help readers understand the text. Use details, metaphors and similes to "see" what's happening inside your head.

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      Choose the key points. To pass the reading test, you may have to pick the main point out of a passage or two. For clues, look at the first or last line of the paragraph.

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