How to Pass the GED Science Test

The science test is one of the five tests included in the GED series. Although it is a reading-based test, it also includes charts, graphs and diagrams. You must be able to comprehend the information to do well. Here's some tips to help you pass the test.


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      Read carefully. The GED science test is a reading based test. You will not have to memorize scientific formulas and facts, but you will have to understand the information and questions in the test.

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      Study charts. There may be a variety of charts on the GED science test and you must be able to understand the information presented on the charts and answer questions about them.

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      Review graphs. Graphs are also often included on the GED science test and it's important that you understand the information presented in this format.

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      Brush up on basic chemistry. There are often diagrams and information on chemical makeup that must be understood to pass the GED science test.

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      Polish your basic ecology and biology. If it's been a while since you've studied either of these areas, a brief review will be helpful in passing the GED science test.

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      Consider genetics. There are often a few simple questions about genetic characteristics, dominant and recessive genes and heredity on the GED science test. Review these areas before testing.

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