How to Pass the TEAS Test

The TEAS test is a test of general knowledge, often used as an admissions requirement for people seeking post-secondary education. Particularly common in the field of nursing, the TEAS test measures an individual’s competency in four basic areas: Math, English, Reading, and Science. If you want to ace your TEAS test, keep reading for some helpful tips.

Things You'll Need

  • Materials from previous coursework, if available
  • An official study guide, if necessary
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  1. Prepare for the TEAS test

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      Study for Math. The TEAS test section on math covers “whole numbers, metric conversion, fractions and decimals, algebraic equations, percentages, and ratio/proportion,” according to California State University. Since the TEAS test is sometimes used as a prerequisite for entrance into college, most secondary school math skills will be covered on the exam.

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      Study for English. The English portion of the TEAS test covers grammatical skills. Examples include spelling, sentence structure, punctuation, and parts of speech. You will need to be able to recognize grammatically correct and incorrect sentences, and to correct errors in grammar.

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      Study for Reading. The Reading section of the TEAS test covers reading comprehension skills. You will be given short passages to read, and questions to answer about what has happened in the passage. You should be able to answer questions on surface-level topics such as the events in the story or the people involved. You should also be prepared to make inferences about the meaning behind the story or passage.

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      Study for Science. On the TEAS exam, the science section covers topics ranging from general science and science reasoning to specifics like chemistry and biology. If you took three to four science courses in high school, you should be prepared to answer the science questions on the TEAS exam.

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      Prepare for the test format. The TEAS exam takes approximately 3 ½ hours to complete, with the time divided among the four sections. You need to be prepared to sit for a long period of time and focus on answering. The questions will be in multiple-choice format, so make sure you read all of the answer options before making your choice.

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