How to Register With ISEE

The Independent School Entrance Examination (ISEE) is a 5-part entrance exam used as part of the admissions consideration package for independent magnet schools in the United States. The test is issued by the Educational Records Bureau (ERB), and can be taken only once in a 6-month span of time. For students and parents interested in taking the test, there are many options available for registration.


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      Request a copy of the ISEE Student Guide. You can obtain the guide by emailing your name and mailing address to or on-line.

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      Submit your registration through the ERB website. This is the easiest and fastest way to get registered and eliminates the extra fees that are charged for registering using different methods.

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      You can also register by phone. A $20 additional charge applies for registrations placed by phone. The total amount due for using this method is $109 as of October 2010, payable by Visa, American Express, or MasterCard only. The phone numbers for phone registration are (919) 956-8524 or (800) 446-0320.

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      Or, register by mail. Use the registration form from the ISEE Student Guide. The mailing address is located at the bottom of the form.

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      Another option is to fax your registration form to (919) 682-5775. An additional fee of $20 applies to this method, payable by Visa, American Express, or MasterCard only. With this fee, the total registration fee for faxing is $109 as of October 2010. You will need to fill out the page 51 registration form from the ISEE Student Guide.

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