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Mr. Potato Head Preschool Games

Teaching preschool children about basic concepts such as shapes and colors is achieved through an assortment of teaching methods. One way to keep children engaged and entertained while learning is to use games that spark creativity. Using Mr. Potato Head figures with an assortment of removable parts is a silly and fun way to get little ones involved in learning about basic concepts.
  1. Match the Face

    • One game for preschool age children is to see how well they can replicate an already created Mr. Potato Head figure. Add the pieces to a figure and set the completed Mr. Potato Head on a table where all the children can clearly see the head. Give each child a blank Mr. Potato Head and a box of potential items to see if the kids can figure out how to reconstruct the head in the same manner.

    Free For All

    • Small children can become creative when it comes to arranging attachments on a blank Mr. Potato Head character. Give each child a blank Mr. Potato Head and place all potential items in a community box. Kids take what they want and need to construct their own version of Mr. Potato Head. This game also helps kids learn how to share as one box with all potential items must be shared by all children.

    Face Swap

    • Teaching kids to share is always challenging, even more so when it comes to the preschool-age set. One way to incorporate Mr. Potato Head into such a game is to have kids decorate their own figurines however they choose. Break kids into groups of two and have kids swap items to change how their own Mr. Potato Head looks. Instruct children to swap a set of eyes for another set of eyes and compare how the one little change altered the entire figure.

    Blindfolded Fun

    • Teaching young children to learn through both sight and touch is another way to instill a sense of creativity. For this game, give each child a blank Mr. Potato Head. Blindfold the kids and have them decorate the figurine by using items pulled from a box while blindfolded. Kids will enjoy seeing how they assembled the pieces while blindfolded.

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