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Spanish Schools for Kids

Learning a new language can be a difficult process. According to USA Today, however, "learning a foreign language is easier for children than it is for adults" and children "who are exposed to other languages also do better in school." If you want your child to learn Spanish, there are a number of Spanish schools all over the world that vary in approach, technique and scheduling to fit your individual needs and desires.
  1. Spanish Abroad, Inc. Schools

    • The Spanish Abroad, Inc. network of schools allows children to learn the Spanish language in a variety of settings and session types. Spanish Abroad, Inc. has schools in Costa Rica, Mexico, Guatemala and Spain and offers several options for children. Children seven years and older at the Tamarindo, Costa Rica campus can take individual classes or group classes, Children at the Puerto Vallarta, Mexico school can attend group classes in the summer while children at the San Sebastian, Spain school can attend group sessions year round. Individual instruction and family group instruction are also available for children at each campus.

    Instituto Chac-Mool

    • The Instituto Chac-Mool, located in Cuernavaca, Mexico, has two programs for children ages five and up. "Programa Amiguitos," introduces children to the Spanish language through games, story-telling, drawing and other interactive activities that attempt to immerse them in Spanish culture. The second program, the "Junior Spanish Program," is designed for children with previous exposure to the Spanish language. It features a 25-hour weekly schedule that balances "structure and role play activities with workshops, social activities, and sports." Students are placed according to their ability and taught in groups of six by a trained Spanish instructor.

    Zadorspain Spanish Language Schools

    • The Zadorspain Spanish Language Schools are located in Alicante and Vitoria, Spain. Each school hosts two-week summer school sessions for children ages 8 to 13 and 14 to 17. The sessions combine activities such as tennis, sailing and water sports with two to three Spanish classes a day and full Spanish language immersion to effectively teach the language in such a short period of time. During the rest of the year, private lessons are offered to children of adult students attending one of the Zadorspain Spanish Language Schools.

    Juguemos! Learning Center

    • The Juguemos! Learning Center has schools in Campbell and Mountain View, California. Their self-proclaimed mission is to "offer children a learning experience that is fun and unforgettable, where through the Spanish language they will learn concepts and social fundamental skills for their integral development in the physical, social, emotional, linguistic, and cognitive areas." Both schools have morning and afternoon programs for children ages 3 to 5. Parents can choose to have their children attend five days a week, three days a week, two days a week or just one day a week. Each day, students are instructed through activities instructed entirely in Spanish such as "Story Time," "Arts and Crafts," "Puppet Shows" and "Music and Movement."

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