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How to Make a Thank-You Book for a Kindergarten Teacher

Kindergarten is a formative year in a child's life, and during this time, the teacher is instrumental in helping him adjust to school life. Kindergarten teachers work hard. When parents take the time to let the teachers know that they appreciate their work, it means a lot. Making a thank-you book that a teacher can keep and look back on even after she retires is an ideal way to express your gratitude for the teacher's job that was well done. It does not matter if the thank-you book is from an individual student or the entire class, you can follow a few easy steps to construct a book that will trigger a lot of memories.

Things You'll Need

  • Book
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Camera
  • Computer
  • Printer
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    • 1

      Make a list of the sections you want to include in the thank-you book for the kindergarten teacher. Topic areas include art work, photos and messages.

    • 2

      Interview the students about what they think of the teacher. Record their exact speech and then print it out to go in the book. Attach a photo of the child and print his name under it. Remember kindergarten teachers teach a lot of students, so it is important to identify them.

    • 3

      Pick a blank journal, a binder with plastic pages or a small scrapbook. With a blank book or a scrapbook, you will glue the material to the pages. A book with plastic folders offers a practical way to present the materials, and the covering will protect the pages.

    • 4

      Collect all the material for the book on a large table: art work, photos and testimonials. Spread out the material so you can view it and then move the individual pages around until you have arranged the pages in a logical sequence that makes sense for the book.

    • 5

      Take a break for an hour or so. Come back and review the sequence of material to make sure it is what you want. Even though you can rearrange things if you are using a book with plastic folders, it will save you time to get it right the first time.

    • 6

      Glue or insert the pages. Dab glue in all four corners and then a few strokes across the back of the page. Hold it over the page and position it before you tack it down. If you accidentally get glue on the paper, let it dry before continuing.

    • 7

      Write a table of contents for your book by consulting your original list. Indicate the page number for each section so that if the kindergarten teacher wants to look at the pictures, she can consult the table of contents and go to page 25, for example.

    • 8

      Design a cover for your thank-you book. You may want to go with a class photo, as that will trigger instant memories. Or you can opt for a colleague.

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