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How to Make a Geometry Game Board

Using a board game for geometry is a creative way to keep students engaged and reinforce topics already covered in the classroom. It is a great way to determine which students are struggling with certain topics without the students feeling the stress of being formally assessed. Creating a board game that covers multiple topics relating to what you have taught in class requires a few minutes of planning and can be completed in about an hour.

Things You'll Need

  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Card stock
  • Scissors
  • Pens
  • Laminator
  • Cardboard
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    • 1

      Write down topics and concepts that have been covered in the classroom to determine what categories belong in your game. For example, categories could include coordinate graphing, shapes, angles and vocabulary. The topics will be different for each grade level.

    • 2

      Create small game cards using card stock so that they will hold up to repeated use. Use five or six different colors to represent the different geometry concepts to be covered in the game.

    • 3

      Write the concept on the cards. For example, if one of the topics is shapes, you might create a Draw It topic category. On the card write something like, "Draw an obtuse triangle," or "Draw a hexagon." Repeat for all brainstormed categories. Laminate the cards after are all topics have been completed.

    • 4

      Create a game board out of cardboard using extra pieces of card stock to make spaces. As the students move along the board, the color of card stock they land on determines what type of question they will be asked. Mark on the board a beginning position for the players and the end point.

    • 5

      Write the rules of the game out for all students on a piece of paper. For example, "The player will roll the dice and move that number of spaces on the game board. The other students will read a question from the same color category as the space the player landed on. If the player answers correctly, he may roll the dice for his next move. If the player answers incorrectly, he must try another question from the same category on his next turn. The player that reaches the end space wins the game."

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