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What Can We Do to Help Schools Be Beautiful?

If you have to be someplace every day, it helps if the place is beautiful. School might not be the first place you think of when you hear the word beautiful, but there are a lot of things teachers, administrators, and students can do to make the building and grounds visually pleasing. Involving the community in beautification can help everyone feel a sense of ownership over the school, which over the long term can result in greater respect and care for the property and its fixtures.
  1. Keep it Clean

    • Custodians need help from the school community.

      Custodians work hard to keep school buildings clean. In order to have a truly beautiful campus, however, cleanliness must be a community effort. Students should be educated on how to keep their classrooms and building neat and organized. School administrators should provide resources to help make this possible, such as labeled recycling bins and trash cans. Classrooms should be equipped with cleaning supplies, and teachers should instruct students to clean up their own messes. Summers should be used for extra cleaning efforts like washing down walls and waxing the floors.

    Bring it to Life

    • Keep some cheerful flowers on the receptionist's desk.

      One of the easiest ways to invigorate an indoor environment is to bring life into the space. Whether it's a large fish tank in the school lobby or potted trees and plants in the hallways, hints of nature help people feel less trapped inside. At the start of the school year, flower arrangements in the entryway or at the front office can give an uplifting first impression, especially to families who are new to the school.

    Decorate, Decorate, Decorate!

    • Decorating with student artwork promotes self-esteem, and is quite inexpensive.

      Schools are filled with decorators. Teachers can use student art and writing to jazz up their classrooms and other areas of the school. Bulletin boards are a great way to showcase classwork and share the talents of individual students. Rotating student displays bring color and excitement to the monotony of the hallway. Switch up displays based on semester, month, or season.


    • Keep school grounds well maintained.

      Well-kept school grounds give an overall impression of neatness. Mowed lawns, flowerbeds, and playgrounds with pebbles, bark mulch, or sand create a pretty landscape for faculty and students to enjoy. The addition of benches or areas for students and parents to congregate can also be attractive. Of course all schools can't afford fancy landscaping, but as long as the lawns are mowed and the hedges trimmed, the school will have an appealing appearance.

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