How to Transfer From Homeschool to Public in Texas

There are many reasons why you might decide to transfer your child from homeschool into public school in Texas. Since homeschooling is widely accepted in this state, transferring to public school is straightforward. Each school district in Texas sets its own guidelines about this procedure. You will need to contact the school district you plan to enter to find out its requirements.

Things You'll Need

  • Birth certificate
  • Official school documentation (notarized transcript)
  • Student's Social Security card
  • Complete immunization records
  • Proof of residency (current utility bill or apartment lease contract)
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  1. Begin the Transfer Process

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      Contact the school district to which you want to transfer. Consult the administration regarding required documentation, transfer procedures and deadlines. If they are not familiar with homeschool student transfers, research and network to find what you should expect to encounter in the process and be prepared to assert yourself, if necessary. Homeschooling is recognized with respect in Texas, so you should not have problems matriculating.

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      Compile a transcript for your student's coursework. Include a listing of all courses, including those taught by a tutor, in a co-op setting or as dual credit in a community college. List the grade the student earned in each class. Depending on the age of your student, this may simply be a list of classes you taught. For a junior high or high school student, it should look like a traditional transcript. Ask homeschooling friends with older children to show you the transcript format they use, or search the web for a template. See link in Resources for a free online transcript. Decide what modifications need to be made to fit your needs. Complete the form and have it notarized.

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      Gather the required documents. Begin the transfer process. Elementary students can transfer into public school more easily than older students. Junior high students can transfer more easily than high school students, but if you determine that this is the best avenue for your high school student you should persevere in the transfer process. High school transfer students may be required to pass testing to demonstrate their knowledge and academic ability. This may be in the form of final exams for the previous year. For instance, a sophomore student may be required to take the freshman finals in history, English, mathematics and science. However, if your homeschooling has been under the sponsorship of an accredited organization such as Seton Home Study or Griggs International Academy, your student might not have to take tests.

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      Once the transfer is approved, help prepare your student for the change by visiting the school on numerous occasions. This may be particularly helpful for an elementary age student. Request permission for your child to join prospective classmates for lunch and recess. Meet neighborhood children who attend the school. Arrange play dates or invite a family to your home to get acquainted.

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