How to Make Note Cards for Research Papers Using Internet Sources

Researching a paper can be cumbersome. It is vital to organize your research so that you can quickly identify facts and quotes that you want to include in your paper. Using note cards helps you organize Internet research. Note cards allow you to put the quotes and points in order and to change the order of your paper at any time.

Things You'll Need

  • 3-by-5 or 5-by-7 note cards
  • Pen
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    • 1

      Print a label in the upper left hand corner of the index card. The label should be one word that identifies the location in your paper where the note will be used.

    • 2

      Write the author or editor's name and the page number in the bottom right hand corner of the note card. Internet sources may not have page numbers, unless they are PDF files. Insert the paragraph number if you need it for your bibliography or works cited page, such as in APA format.

    • 3

      Insert the location of where the source appears in your bibliography. It will be a number of the source location. For instance, the second source in your bibliography will have a "2" in the upper right hand corner of your note card.

    • 4

      Add the note to the rest of the card. Put all direct quotes in quotation marks, and if the author uses a quote, put the quote in single quotes. For instance, "James stated, 'dogs are barking everywhere.'"

    • 5

      Write only the most important facts about the topic. Make sure the quote or fact applies directly to the topic in your paper. Copy quotes that are important. Offer only primary research and assumptions of the author. Insert ellipsis points in any quote where you are leaving out nonessential words.

    • 6

      Double check your quotes and facts to ensure they are correct. Identify what notes are facts and what notes are opinions, so that they can be identified in your paper.

    • 7

      Write only on the front of the note card if it is possible. Keep to one quote or fact per card, two only if they fit exactly with the topic, but they will be more difficult to put in order in the paper. Write "over" on the card if you have to continue the fact or quote on the back of the card.

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