Teen GED Programs

The GED, or General Educational Development, test allows individuals who failed to acquire a high school diploma to obtain an equivalent certificate. To pass the test, 60 percent of the questions must be answered correctly. Preparation courses can be extremely helpful to teen-agers because some of the test material may be new to them. Many institutions offer GED preparation courses. Many of these courses are free.
  1. Testing Centers

    • Every state has a website listing local GED testing centers. These testing centers also offer references and resources. These resources can help teens find free programs that will help prep them for the GED.

    Community College

    • Most community colleges offer preparation courses for the GED. There is no age requirement or minimum for these courses, and often they are free.

    Local High Schools

    • High schools and high school teachers are often a great source for locating GED preparation programs. Teens who no longer attend their high school can still ask it for guidance as to where local, often free, preparation programs can be found.

    What to Prepare For

    • The GED test has five parts: writing skills, social studies, science, interpreting literature and the arts, and mathematics, according to ericdigests.org, an educational website. The website advises that questions require general knowledge and thinking skills. All the test questions are multiple choice, except Part II of the writing skills test, for which you must write an essay. The tests are available in English, Spanish and French, and in large print, audio and Braille.

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