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Recruitment Methods for Sororities

Sororities are student organizations for women that provide community service, social activities and leadership opportunities. If you are interested in joining a sorority, explore the many ways you can learn about what it means to be Greek. Sororities hold a variety of orientation sessions and activities for prospective members. You can choose to meet each sorority individually or connect with one group that seems to be the best fit for you.
  1. New Student Orientation

    • Sororities use new student orientation or welcome week as a time to introduce the idea of sorority recruitment to new students. If you're interested in learning more about what it means to be in a sorority, look for an introductory session to provide information about sorority rush. Events during orientation may be as casual as an ice cream social or outdoor barbecue. New student orientation is a critical time to share information about campus organizations like sororities. Formal recruitment usually follows orientation within the first two weeks of the academic semester.

    Formal Recruitment

    • A main avenue for sorority recruitment occurs at the beginning of the fall semester. This structured or formal recruitment process involves a series of parties designed to help prospective members learn more about what each sorority has to offer. Formal recruitment allows current and prospective members the opportunity to learn more about each other. Attending parties does not obligate a prospective member to join but does offer participating sororities the chance to share their mission and purpose. Prospective members must visit each campus sorority and a mutual decision-making process is used to determine membership.

    Organized Informal Recruitment

    • If you decide that formal sorority recruitment is not for you, consider signing up for informal recruitment. Sometimes called continuous open bidding, the informal recruitment process allows you the flexibility of waiting until you are more established at college before joining a sorority. Sororities hold open houses throughout the year, and this is an opportunity for you to check into Greek life when you're ready. You may also meet a sorority member in a class or different student organization. Continuous open building offers sororities the flexibility of offering membership invitations throughout the year. The only limitation is that if sororities hit their membership limit during formal recruitment, they may be prevented from accepting new members.

    Campus Activities

    • As an alternative to a structured recruitment process, sororities use campus activities as a way to reach out to prospective members. Sponsoring activities such as sledding, flag football or other intramural sports is a way to attract new members and get involved on campus. Since philanthropy is core to the values and mission of most Greek organizations, inviting women on campus to get involved in a service project is another way to reach out. Some students are unsure what a sorority is and are reluctant to attend a formal recruitment event. Offering campus activities provides a way to get involved on campus, promote sisterhood and teach prospective members about sorority life.

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