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How to Plan Sorority Recruitment

An important aspect of sorority life is the recruitment process, where current sorority members get the chance to meet and get to know potential new members. Many colleges and universities with sorority recruitment programs have specific rules and regulations that the sororities must follow in order to ensure the safety and cooperation of everyone involved in the event. However, within these specific boundaries, sororities must make sure to stand out from the crowd by utilizing excellent planning skills.


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      Understand the rules and regulations that your college or university places on sororities during the recruitment process. For example, the Purdue University Panhellenic Association requires that each house wear a certain type of outfit, as well as conduct certain types of activities on each day of the recruitment process. Sororities on the Purdue campus are only allowed to have foods at certain parties during the day and are not allowed to send potential new members out of the house with gifts. As you move forward in the planning process, you will need to keep in mind your individual college or university's guidelines to make sure you do not sabotage your own recruitment efforts.

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      Provide a dress code for the women in your sorority to ensure that everyone looks similar. This does not mean that you should require every woman to purchase the same dress for the recruitment activity. Instead, require that every member wear a black dress of her choosing for the most formal party and that every woman wear nice blue jeans and a blue sorority shirt for a more casual day.

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      Assign each woman a room in your sorority where she can take the potential new member that she greets to get to know her a little better. Never leave a sorority sister in a room alone with a potential new member, as this can create awkwardness for both women and may be against the regulations of your university. Instead, make sure at least two of your sorority sisters are assigned to each room in your house. Inform each sorority sister of her room assignment and let her know which sorority sister will also be speaking with potential new members in the same room. These sorority sisters can then plan conversations and work together to create an inviting and comfortable environment for the potential new members.

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      Plan a craft activity on a more casual day that emphasizes the importance of your philanthropy to the potential new members. It is important to show potential new members that your sorority members are dedicated to helping your philanthropy. Make simple bracelets to be donated to a local children's hospital or have girls help design a simple pin that will be worn around campus to help raise awareness of your cause.

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      Incorporate some sorority tradition into your recruitment. Many sororities have their own rules and regulations about what types of traditions can be shared with women who are not yet members of the sorority. Many sororities are allowed to sing traditional songs or show pictures from past events during the recruitment party. Emphasize tradition and lifelong bonds during this section of the recruitment.

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