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How to Make a Homemade Toga

The toga has had an enduring popularity. Ancient Romans and Greeks wore them as a matter of course. These days, togas are party-wear, especially common on college campuses in the Greek fraternity and sorority culture. A simple toga is nothing more than a length of fabric draped around the body as a dress. It's possible to make a toga yourself from a bed sheet without damaging the linen at all.

Things You'll Need

  • Twin bed sheet
  • Safety pins
  • Metallic belt
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      Fold a twin bed sheet horizontally so when you hold one end at the top of your chest, the other end is about ankle length. Adjust for a shorter or longer toga.

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      Hold the edge of the sheet to the right side of your chest. The short end of the fold you made for length should face inward, toward your body. Wrap the sheet around your body to the left one and a half times. The excess sheet will be at the left side of your chest.

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      Use safety pins to secure the sheet layers on the right and left side of your chest. This will keep the toga together. Hide the pins in the folds of the sheet.

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      Throw the excess sheet over your left shoulder. It will drape behind you. Accessorize your toga with a metallic belt around the waist, if desired. This will help keep it from slipping off.

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