How to Create a College Wardrobe

The space that you have in your college dorm room can be limited. Make sure you fill your closet space with items that you will need and can use versatilely. Follow the instructions to build yourself a functioning college wardrobe.


    • 1

      Have several tops that are versatile. Be able to mix, match and layer. This will make it look as though you have more outfits than you do. If there is one thing you should spend money on, it should be the tops that you buy.

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      Buy nice, high quality pants. Have at least five good pairs of jeans and a few more pairs of other types pants. Because many college students like to stay very casual and comfortable, get pants that will match that description. If you prefer to be more dressed up, follow what you feel is comfortable.

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      Purchase the right shoes. Have at least two pairs of comfortable shoes that you are able to walk to and from classes. Also have a few pairs of shoes that you can wear to other occasions such as parties and formal affairs.

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      Have some nicer clothes that you can wear to parties, interviews or any occasions that you need to look nice.

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      Consider investing in one nice, formal suit. This may not be necessary until your junior/senior year in college. You will be applying for high end jobs and internships. It's important to look the part.

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      Buy about two or three good jackets and a good coat for winter. This will vary depending on where you're living, but it does get cooler during the winter months no matter where you're living.

    • 7

      Determine how much space you have. This will have you b

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