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Kappa Alpha Psi Requirements

Kappa Alpha Psi is a traditionally black college fraternity that has existed since 1911. Membership to Kappa Alpha Psi is based on specific standards. According to the Nununupes website, in order to be a member, you must have good moral character. You must demonstrate maturity and responsibility both inside and outside the classroom. You must be committed to developing and exhibiting leadership skills.
  1. Exclusivity

    • According to the Kappa Alpha Psi Constitution website, to gain membership you must not have been a member of any other fraternity of a similar nature. A prospective member is not able to hide this fact, as the fraternity thoroughly investigates the background of its men who are "on line" to become the next group of Kappas.


    • As a fraternity, Kappa Alpha Psi does not wish to have among its members a man who will place the organization ahead of his grades. You must have completed at least 12 academic credit hours,or, as the Constitution points out, three full semesters of class work. You must carry at least a 2.5 grade point average, or the average for good standing at the college at which the chapter is located, whichever is higher.

    College Attendance

    • You must be in attendance at a two-year or four-year college. Generally, you must attend a school where the fraternity is chartered. However, according to the Kappa Alpha Psi Constitution website, the fraternity may make exceptions to this. Such exceptions must be approved by the fraternity's Grand Board, however.

    Lifelong Commitment

    • If you wish to be a Kappa Alpha Psi, you must consider the appointment a lifelong commitment. According to the Constitution website, the organization will not accept resignations for any reason whatsoever.

    Community Service

    • In order to become a Kappa Alpha Psi, you must be involved in community service. You must be able to prove that you have volunteered and will continue to do so. You must perform a service that helps the community and is not in the context of paid work.

    Proper Attitude

    • According to the Nununupes website, you must be humble in attitude in order to be a Kappa Alpha Psi. If there is a risk that members would perceive that you feel that you are superior to others, or that you would place your personal goals ahead of those of the organization, you should not apply.

    Letters of Recommendation

    • The organization requires letters of recommendation for its prospective members. According to the Kappa Alpha Psi website, you must have five letters of recommendation. Three must be from current members of the chapter in which you wish to become a member; one must be from a professor or other faculty member; and the last one from a person of your choosing.

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