How to Get a Full Scholarship at NYU

New York University, the largest private university in America, offers students worldwide the opportunity to pursue a higher education in the field of their choice. With campus centers scattered throughout Europe and Asia, students don't have to be stateside to attend NYU. Unfortunately, as with any college, the cost of attending a private university can be overwhelming. If you're interested in going to NYU, there are a number of ways you can get a scholarship to cover your tuition needs.


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      Improve your grades as much as possible. While scholarship committees look at a variety of contributing factors, good grades greatly improve your chances of being selected to receive a scholarship. If there is a class you particularly struggle with, take steps to improve in that class. Get a tutor, check out books at the library to review or ask your teacher for extra credit work.

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      Get active in your community. Part of most scholarship applications includes a thorough look at your extracurricular activities. Whether you volunteer at church or a homeless shelter, help raise awareness about local issues or volunteer with your local scouting troop, take the time to give back to your community and make a difference. If possible, try to choose activities that relate to your field of study. For example, if you plan to be a doctor, volunteer at your local hospital. If you want to teach, become a tutor for underprivileged children or volunteer with an after-school program for kids.

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      Fill out a Free Application for Federal Student Aid. You can do this for free online or pick up a copy from the Financial Aid office. FAFSA looks at your financial needs to determine what federal scholarships and grants you may be applicable to receive. Note that even if you receive a full scholarship from NYU, you may still receive a grant or scholarship that can help with extra fees, such as books or boarding.

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      Fill out a scholarship application at the NYU financial aid office or download an application from their website. Understand that scholarship applications are processed and awarded long before the semester starts, so make sure you read each scholarship deadline closely before you submit an application.

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      Review the guidelines for National Scholarship Competitions to determine if you are eligible to apply for any of these scholarships. NYU offers a number of large scholarships to eligible and extraordinary students. These scholarships are highly competitive, but offer large cash incentives to winning students.

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