How to Get a Golf Scholarship

Every year, hundreds of high school players are recruited by colleges offering golf scholarships. If a free ride to college for playing golf for four years sounds good to you, follow these steps for getting your name on coaches' new recruit lists.


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      Excel at golf. This step may seem rather obvious, but college golf is played at a very high standard, and you may not be aware of the level at which it's played unless you've actually watched an event or two.

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      Get good grades in high school. Coaches look for more than playing ability; they want to know that you can consistently play a great game and manage your academics at the same time. They don't want to invest a lot of time and training in a player who'll be put on academic probation after one semester.

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      Hire a recruitment service like "Athletic" This service looks at college sports recruitment from a marketing perspective and can market you to coaches and colleges.

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      Subscribe to the "Ping Guide" at This guide contains the names and phone numbers of coaches across the country, as well as NCAA and NAIA rules and eligibility. It isn't expensive and is available online.

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      Contact the golf programs of a few of the schools you're interested in. Talk to the coach if possible, give her your name and get a feel for what she's looking for in new players.

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      Check the NCAA for rules on recruitment. You don't want to lose a scholarship by inadvertently breaking one of the NCAA's extraordinarily comprehensive rules. Also look for the "NCAA Guide for the College Bound Student Athlete." These publications are available on the Web.

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