How to Communicate Better With a Girlfriend

If you want a healthy, good relationship with your girlfriend, communication is the key. It’s often hard to communicate. You and your girlfriend may keep your feelings bottled up, or appease each other rather than speak the truth. But the bottom line is that without good communication, the relationship won’t work.


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      Give her your full attention. If your girlfriend attempts to communicate with you, but your attention is divided between her and the television, she may stop. Give her respect and your undivided attention.

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      Maintain good eye contact. Eye contact is essential to good communication. This way, your attention isn’t diverted. What’s more, this helps you and your girlfriend connect on a deeper level. Even if you don’t completely agree with her viewpoint, keep your eyes on her.

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      Let each other speak. It’s easy to interrupt when others speak, especially if we feel that they’re wrong. However, many couples fight and have problems because of miscommunication. Tell your girlfriend to express how she feels, and fight the urge to interrupt. Once she’s finished speaking, you can express yourself and address her complaints or comments.

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      Listen and put yourself in her shoes. Another key element of good communication is listening. It’s natural to defend ourselves when under attack. Still, there may be some truth behind each complaint. Recognize that you’re not perfect and that you are capable of making mistakes.

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      Learn how to read between the lines. It’s often joked that women speak in code, and that their “yes” really means “no” and vice-versa. Each woman is different. Find out what makes your girlfriend tick, and learn how to read her body language and expressions. She may not outwardly say what she’s feelings, but it’s often written all over her face.

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