How to Cite a Book with a Single Author Using MLA Style

When researching a term paper or other longer term project, it is important to document the ideas, concepts and theories upon which you base your own thesis and draw your own conclusions. Failure to do so not only prevents readers from doing more extensive research in your subject area by following your research process, but also can result in accusations of plagiarism. Plagiarism, or lifting ideas from other people's work and then claiming--directly or by implication--that they are your own, is one of the highest offences in academia. An accusation of plagiarism--even an unfounded one--can ruin your academic career and any hope of a professional reputation. MLA is a simple, straightforward way to cite resources within the text of your paper, then give more extensive details on the reference at the end of your document on a "Works Cited" page. MLA is becoming increasingly popular in undergraduate classrooms for its simple standard requirements and readability. Even better, the style nearly eliminates the need for footnotes in papers.

Things You'll Need

  • Name of the author of the book
  • Year the book was published
  • City where the book was published
  • Publishing company
  • Title of the book
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  1. How to Cite a Book with a Single Author Using MLA Style

    • 1

      Write the name of the author, followed by a period. The name should be ordered last name, first name, and middle initial. If you do not know the middle initial then you can leave it out. For example, if the author's name is Cassidy Lane, then at this point your reference note should look like this:Lane, Cassidy.

    • 2

      Follow the author's name with the title of the book and another period.If possible, italicize the title. If your word processor will not support this type of formatting, then use an underscore to indicate that the title is underlined. If the title of the book is "Understanding Botanical Symbolism in Shakespeare," then your reference note should now look like this:Lane, Cassidy. _Understanding Botanical Symbolism in Shakespeare_.

    • 3

      Add the location where the book was published, followed by a semi colon. You can usually find this information on the title page of the book. For example, if the book was published by Jones, Johnson & Leters in Boston, Massachusetts, then your reference notes should now look like this:Lane, Cassidy. _Understanding Botanical Symbolism in Shakespeare_. Boston:

    • 4

      Place the name of the publishers after the semi colon, and follow this by a period. Using the previous information, your reference notes for this book should now look like this:Lane, Cassidy. _Understanding Botanical Symbolism in Shakespeare_. Boston: Jones, Johnson & Leters,

    • 5

      End the citation with the date of publication, followed by a period. If the book was published in 1999, then your completed MLA citation will look like this:Lane, Cassidy. _Understanding Botanical Symbolism in Shakespeare_. Boston: Jones, Johnson & Leters, 1999.

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