Cosmetology Schools near St. Augustine, Florida

Cosmetologists play a unique role in helping others maintain their highest standard of beauty. Cosmetologists often work in salons and health clubs, where they serve their clients in hairstyling, nail art and other components of the beauty industry. If you are interested in becoming a cosmetologist in St. Augustine, you have several options available.
  1. First Coast Technical College's Cosmetology Program

    • The art of makeup application

      The only cosmetology program within city limits is First Coast Technical College's Cosmetology Program. The school has offered cosmetology instruction since 1970. It specializes in a combination of the development of the practical and creative sides of its students. The four-course program consists of nail and facial specialty, along with hairdressing and general cosmetology. The program offers financial aid.

    Aveda Cosmetology School

    • Give her the hottest style.

      Within a short drive from St. Augustine, you can attend the Aveda Cosmetology School in Jacksonville, Florida. This salon is associated with Aveda salon products.The institute is a "teaching school," where you can test your skills on the local clientele and gain hands-on experience while fine-tuning the customer service skills you need to succeed in the salon and beauty industry. In addition to classes, financial aid is offered to students who qualify. This is your one-way into a position at an Aveda salon, because the company only hire candidates who have been through its training program.

    Daytona College School of Cosmetology

    • With your help she doesn't have to be ashamed of her nails.

      Located in nearby Daytona, Florida, is the Daytona College School of Cosmetology. This program prepares its students for the Florida License Exam. For the length of your training you will work in technologically advanced classrooms designed especially for cosmetology students. You will have the opportunity to learn not only cosmetology, but ethics, customer service, hair styling and how to manage your own salon. You can even specializes in an overall study of nail beauty. From sculpted nails, nail art and nail anatomy, you can become the nail expert you have always dreamed to be.

    Makeup Artist Studio

    • Perfect your skills in the comfort of your home.

      An option for those who cannot commute or have an inflexible schedule is online certification. Makeup Artist Studio is an online training academy. It provides training in makeup application and color blending. This training can be done from the comfort of your own home. The online studio offers daytime and nighttime options. It also offers two tiers of online placement, with the introductory level titled "Makeup Artistry" and the advanced class titled "Pro Makeup." Upon graduation, the company will help with job placement.

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