How to Report Standardized Test Scores

From the time we enter elementary school, we must take standardized tests to ensure that we are proficient in various subjects, such as math, reading, science, or to ensure that we have become proficient with various skills, such as logical or critical thinking. When we apply for scholarships, submit applications to colleges or graduate schools, we are required to report our standardized test scores from required exams. High school students must submit SAT or ACT scores to get into college. Prospective law school students must submit LSAT scores. Others must submit GMAT scores for business school, GRE scores for other graduate programs, and medical students must submit MCAT scores. No matter what exam you took, you can report the scores to your school a part of your application.


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      Obtain scores from the exam you took, such as the SAT, LSAT or GRE. The scores were mailed to your house or sent to your e-mail address. If you did not receive the scores for the exam you took, call the exam authority to inquire about the scores. They may not have been released yet.

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      Fill out your college, graduate school or other application, and include your score results. Make sure that you submit all required scores. For example, your undergraduate institution may require you to report both your SAT and ACT scores. Read the application instructions carefully to see what scores you need to report.

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      Arrange for the exam authorities to send your official scores directly from the authority to your school, if necessary. Institutions want to ensure that the scores you gave them in your application are correctly reported. However, some programs, such as the medical school programs, have centralized systems that send your application and scores to the schools automatically. Visit your exam authority's website or call them on the phone to have the scores sent. Make sure that you have your scores sent on time.

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