How to Write an Appendix for My School Report

School reports typically follow a traditional format that includes a title page, an introduction, the body of the report, a discussion of the results, a section on conclusions and a references section. Some reports also have abstract sections and test methodology. An appendix is typically an optional section in a report. The appendix contains material that was needed to put the report together but was not needed in the report to help the reader understand the text. An appendix can have charts, calculations, photographs, raw data, printouts and interview forms. You can write an appendix for your school report by following a few easy steps.


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      Finish writing your report. The report must be completed before you can know whether the information you want to put in an appendix isn’t necessary for the report itself.

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      Refer to the appendix in the report. Direct readers who want to learn more about something presented in the paper but is outside the scope of the report to the appendix.

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      Begin writing the appendix at the end of your report. The appendix page should begin with the title “Appendix I.”

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      Add the information you want to present in the appendix. Use your word processing program to insert pictures, graphs or other nontext objects. Add a caption to a nontext object to help the reader identify the item. Tables and figures should be numbered consecutively, starting with “1.”

    • 5

      Complete adding your text and other objects to your appendix. The appendix is finished.

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