How to Obtain Transcripts From Meridian High School in Idaho

Knowing how to obtain transcripts from Meridian High School in Idaho can make the difference between attending the university of your choice and not being able to register, because you did not complete the admissions application. According to the Princeton Review, your high school transcript is a report card that displays all of your school grades and every course and credit that you have completed. Receiving the transcript can make filling in your college applications a straightforward task.


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      Visit the Meridian High School administration office and ask for your transcripts. As of 2011, the administration office is open from 7:40 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. There are two types of transcripts: an unofficial transcript and an official transcript. The official transcript are sent to the college that you are applying to, while the unofficial transcript is used to fill out your college admission application that asks for your college and cumulative grade point average.

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      Pay for the unofficial or official transcript. According to the School Resource Officer of Meridian High School, the official transcripts are $7 while the unofficial transcripts are $5.

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      Obtain the transcript. The unofficial transcripts are usually obtainable on the spot, but the official transcript will take a day, because it needs to be professionally sealed for colleges.

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