Vascular Ultrasound Training

Vascular ultrasound technologists are trained to use ultrasound, commonly called sonography, to assist physicians with diagnosing disorders related to the circulatory system. Technologists typically receive training through formal degree programs in cardiovascular technology or diagnostic medical sonography.
  1. Identification

    • Vascular ultrasound is a specialty area within the diagnostic medical sonography field. Those trained in this specialty are called vascular technologists or vascular sonographers. Using ultrasound instruments, they perform a non-invasive procedure measuring vascular blood flow, blood pressure, oxygen saturation and circulation in the cerebral, peripheral and abdominal areas. These measurements are used by physicians to diagnose and treat cardiovascular problems.


    • A two-year associate degree program is the most common training for vascular sonographers. The Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Professionals provides accreditation for training programs in vascular ultrasound. Students may enroll in diagnostic medical sonography programs with a concentration in vascular technology, or in cardiovascular technology programs with a concentration in noninvasive peripheral vascular technology.


    • Accredited programs in vascular sonography combine classroom study with lab work and clinical experiences. Core courses cover anatomy and physiology, basic pharmacology, diagnostic procedures and medical instrumentation.


    • While certification is voluntary by state and federal regulations, most employers require their vascular ultrasound technologists to be credentialed. Cardiovascular Credentialing International offers a registered vascular specialist, or RVS, credential to applicants who meet the education requirements and pass two exams. The American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers offers a registered vascular technologist, or RVT, credential. Applicants for that credential must also meet educational requirements and pass two exams.

    Continued Training

    • Continuing education is required to maintain both RVS and RVT credentials. Vascular ultrasound technologists must complete a certain amount of continuing education units within the set time frame. Continuing education opportunities are offered through community colleges, hospitals or professional organizations, such as Cardiovascular Credentialing International and the American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers.

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