APA Guidelines for Term Papers

Students in psychology and other social science courses may need to follow American Psychological Association guidelines when formatting term papers for submission. For students taught other guidelines in high school, the APA requirements may seem strange and confusing at first. With guidance and practice, the formatting style can easily be mastered.
  1. Term Paper Sections

    • According to the APA guidelines, your term paper should contain four sections: title page, abstract, body, and the reference page. Some instructors may not require an abstract page, so check with your instructor.

    Formatting Basics

    • When formatting the pages of your essay, you should use one inch margins on all sides. Unless otherwise specified by your instructor, a 12-point font in Times New Roman style is required by the guidelines. The entire paper needs to be double-spaced. In the header, you should have a page number in the right corner on every page and a running head of less than 50 characters against the left margin on every margin.

    Citing Sources

    • The in-text citation method used with APA guidelines includes the last name of the author and the date of publication. If the material used in the term paper is a direct quote, the page number needs to be included as well. All sources mentioned in the term paper must be included alphabetically by the last name of the author n a reference page.

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