Colleges With Industrial Design & Music

Industrial design and music are both subjects that lead to a graduate degree in fine arts. If you're a creative-type and ambitious or are trying to find a program that can accommodate you and someone else in your life -- you have your work cut out for you. Many of the fine arts academies with renown master's programs in industrial design are visual arts only. However, if you can be flexible on location, some very solid, reputable schools offer graduate degrees in both programs.
  1. Carnegie Mellon University

    • Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania has a strong overall reputation. The private school founded by steel tycoon Andrew Carnegie received U.S. News and World Report's 2010 ranking as the #3 industrial design program in the country. While a focus on industrial arts may not be surprising in Pittsburgh, the historical capital of the steel industry, Carnegie Mellon takes the arts seriously too. The school of music has a classical, conservatory-style bent in which every student participates in an orchestra, chorus, or wind ensemble and chamber group. CMU uses a model that centers around each music student working one-on-one with professors for both master's and doctoral degrees.

    The Ohio State University

    • The Ohio State University has a well respected arts program. The large state school in Columbus, Ohio ranks #6 in Industrial Design and ties for #21 in Fine Arts (which encompasses music) in ratings of graduate schools by U.S. News and World Report. The school teaches solid theory using state-of-the-art technology in its Department of Industrial, Interior and Visual Communication Design. Meanwhile, in addition to teaching performance, OSU's music program encompasses numerous theoretical topics including theory, composition, history, and jazz studies and music education.

    University of Cincinnati

    • The University of Cincinnati believes in teaching about where art and technology intersect. Both with its high-tech industrial design program and its music conservatory, it offers numerous courses related to technology in these fields. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why U.S. News and World Report ranked this mid-western, private school as the #6 industrial design program in the country.

    Arizona State University

    • If you're trying to combine studies in Industrial Design and Music, Arizona State University teaches them both as part of the same college. The Herberger School for Design and the Arts has an MFA industrial design program ranked #10 by U.S. News and World Report. The music program offers master's and doctoral degrees in a wide range of study tracts including jazz, musical theater, composition and musical theory. ASU has the advantage of being a public university with lower tuition than many of the prestigious private design schools and conservatories.

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