How to Cite an MLA Citation

When you are writing an article, essay or document of any kind, you need to cite your sources. You will need to let the reader know where you got your information. It is unethical to pass off other people's work as your own. You must cite quotes and paraphrased information within the text as well as providing a Works Cited/Bibliography page at the end. The Modern Language Association (MLA) has a specific format that they designate for citing different sources.

Things You'll Need

  • MLA handbook (for reference)
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      Works Cited/Bibliography --- Alphabetize by author's name. The first line of each cited source should be flush with the left margin and the rest of the lines of that citation indented a half-inch. Every line of this document should be double spaced. "Works Cited" or "Bibliography" should be centered and written on the top of the page.

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      Book, one author --- Arrange in this order: Author (last name, first name). "Book Title." City of Publication: Publisher, Year published.

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      Book, more than one author --- Same as book with one author except you list the authors in alphabetical order. The first author is listed last name first and the rest is first name first. Commas are placed between each authors' name and a period at the end of the last author's name.

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      Essay or short story --- Arrange in this order: Author's name (last name, first name). "Name of the Essay or Short Story." Title of the Essay or Short Story Collection. Editor's name (first name then last name). Where the work was published, year. Pages. Publication medium.

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      Article --- Arrange in this order: Author's name (last, first). "Name of the Article." Title of the book in which the article is found. Volume number. Where the work was published: Publisher, year. Publication medium.

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      Journal, newspaper, magazine article --- Author's name (last, first). "Title." Periodical Title Volume Number. (Publication date): Page range. Medium.

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      Website --- Author's name (last, first). "Title." Name of Website. Organization, Date published or updated. Medium. Date you looked visited the website. <URL>.

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      Citing within the text --- Cite a source within the text. This is extremely important when you are directly quoting from another source. To cite a direct quote, use parenthesize around the quote, then immediately follow it with (author's last name page number). If you are paraphrasing, use the same format without the quotes. Just place the (author's last name page number) after the information that you paraphrased from that source. Two or three authors should be (Last name, Last name and Last name Page number). Four or more authors use (Last name, et al. page number).

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