Grant Writing Schools

A grant writer knows the ins and outs of the grant writing application process. To research and write grant proposals for government agencies, corporations, individuals, and non-profit companies, a writer needs to know what services the organization provides, its finances, and how to seek out the right amount of funding. Colleges and universities offer grant writing programs to train individuals to become professional writers.
  1. Guilford College

    • Guilford College offers a grant writing workshop for aspiring professional writers. The three-day workshop provides students with essential tenets of grant writing, including how to understand funding agencies and how to write effective and marketable proposals. By the end of the grant writing program, students complete a draft grant proposal for any organization they choose.

    Hunter College

    • The Hunter College business school, in the continuing education division, offers grant writing 101: Writing and Winning Grants. The school teaches students how to market and promote a business, write effective proposals and research funding options. As part of the Gender Equity Project, the school also offers a grant writing assistance program to six full-time junior women each semester. The seminar program provides these women with the resources to write powerful, effective grant proposals.

    CAL Poly Pomona

    • CAL Poly Pomona, part of the College of the Extended University, provides a certificate in grant writing and management course. The curriculum teaches students how to build nonprofit income through grants given from foundations, corporations, and government agencies. Students earning the grant writing certificate research and write real grant solicitations including a detailed budget.

      In the advanced grant writing course, "Project Planning and Grant Proposal Writing," students also develop a revenue plan and learn how to manage and compose multiple grant solicitations. To earn the certificate in grant writing and management, students must complete the Project Planning and Grant Proposal Writing course and the Grant Income Growth and Management course.

    Madison Area Technical College

    • Located in downtown Madison, Wisconsin, the Madison Area Technical College offers a grant writing essentials course. Instructors teach grant writing skills new professional writers need. The school also teaches students how to compose an abstract and needs-statement, and how to process a budget. The grant writing course covers both public and private grant writing projects.

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