Public Culinary Colleges

Culinary colleges provide individuals with the opportunity to learn the skills necessary in food preparation and cooking. Students can use this knowledge once they've completed their education to obtain employment as a chef in a restaurant or a personal chef preparing meals for a specific client, among many possibilities. While many culinary colleges across the U.S. are private entities, there are some public culinary colleges that offer the training needed to pursue a career in the culinary field.
  1. Admission

    • Each public culinary college sets its own requirements for admission into its college and program. Generally the process begins with an admission application after the student has toured the school and met with an admissions representative. Applicants then submit transcripts from high school or other colleges they may have attended. They may also be required to submit an essay about their interest in the culinary field. Some colleges will accept students for admission at this point using their criteria while others will have interviews with applicants to choose the students they think will be the best fit for the program.


    • Public culinary colleges offer a variety of degree and certificate programs for students to choose from. Technical schools and community colleges that offer culinary programs usually award students a certificate or an associate's degree upon completion of their coursework. Students at four-year public universities often finish their program with a bachelor's degree in culinary arts. Except when pursuing a certificate, students can expect a mixture of culinary classes and general education courses.


    • Attending a public culinary college is often less expensive than being a student at a private institution. With public colleges, a portion of the cost of attendance is paid through taxes from the local or state government. At a private culinary college, the student is generally responsible for paying the entire cost of their attendance, although they may be eligible for grants, financial aid and scholarships.


    • When choosing a public culinary college, it's important to choose an accredited institution. This accreditation should be by an organization that is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. This type of accreditation allows students to apply for and receive federal financial aid to help pay for the cost of the culinary program. Public culinary colleges may have additional industry accreditation through the American Culinary Federation.

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