Courses Related to Social Work

Courses in a social work program educate and train students to improve the lives of others. Students in the program learn about helping those living with disabilities, mental health disorders, domestic conflicts, substance abuse and social problems. Graduates with a degree in social work are prepared to work in clinical, educational and government settings.
  1. Human Behavior

    • A human behavior course teaches students about human decision-making and the way individuals interact with one another. Students learn how motivation, influence, environment, psychological factors and personalities affect behavior. Opportunities are also available for students to develop an understanding of human behavior as it relates to the lifecycle, sexuality, illness, sleep and mental illness.

    Social Policy

    • Students taking a social policy course learn about the values and governmental factors that shape social policy. The course teaches students about the political factors that create policy and vulnerable groups in society. Social welfare programs, gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and poverty are also explored in the course.

    Mental Health

    • A mental health course teaches students about mental health disorders and the effects they have on individuals and their families. Students develop techniques to identify and interact with clients living with mental health disorders. Opportunities are available for students to learn about the theories and philosophy behind mental health, and develop awareness and the proper attitude toward clients.

    Human Development

    • The human development course offers students an overview of the development process through a human's lifespan. Focus is placed on the aging process and the journey through childhood, adolescence and adulthood. Students learn about the various emotional, social, physical and cognitive issues involving humans at different parts of their lives.

    Professional Practicum

    • Students enrolled in a social work program are required to complete a practicum with a social work organization or agency. Practicum opportunities may be available with mental health facilities, social service agencies, adoption agencies, counseling agency and educational institutions. This is an opportunity for students to work and learn under a licensed social worker in a professional environment.

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