How to Calculate an Ideal Grade

Although you may know how to calculate your current grade by looking at your test and assignment scores, there are times when you want to know what grade you will need to get on the remaining assignments to achieve your ideal grade. Although the numbers you plug into this equation will be different, the process is essentially the same as calculating your current grade.


    • 1

      Make a three-columned table of all the assignments in the course, both those that you have completed and those left to be graded or completed. Design the table as follows: the first column should list the assignment name, the second column lists the points possible and the third column lists the points received. Fill in the columns. For the assignments you have not yet completed, leave the "points received" column blank.

    • 2

      Experiment with different values in the "points received" column. In other words, fill in different values of the grades you might get. If you want to see, for instance, what your final grade would be if you got an A on your two final quizzes but did not show up for your final, fill in the corresponding point values.

    • 3

      Calculate your final grade. Add all of the numbers in the "points possible" column, and place the sum as the denominator of your final grade fraction. Add all of the numbers in the "points received" column and place the sum as the numerator. Divide. Multiply by 100%, and you will know your final grade.

    • 4

      Continue to experiment with different numbers in the "points received" column of the assignments not yet graded or attempted if you want to know the various combinations that might lead to your ideal grade.

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