A List of Universities That Offer an MA in Media Studies

Programs in media studies educate students in all aspects of media, such as its effects on cultures and societies, its history, and how it has developed over time. Those who earn a master of arts degree in media studies may find employment working in radio, television or film. Numerous universities around the world offer MA degrees in media studies.
  1. Concordia University

    • Concordia University (Concordia.ca) offers a masters in media studies program that it considers to be one of the leading North American programs of its type. Core training in communication theory, media history and media research methods is done at the beginning of the program. Students then go on to learn about other areas of media studies, such as media art and alternative media. Concordia University is located in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

    University of Sussex

    • University of Sussex (Sussex.ac.uk) offers a combined journalism and media studies master's program that can be completed in one or two years, depending on whether it's taken full time or part time. In the fall term, students take classes in global journalism, media theory and research, and also learn about researching and writing news. In the spring term, students take advanced journalism skills and journalism in transition courses, along with options of their choosing. University of Sussex is located in Brighton, United Kingdom.

    Rhodes University

    • Rhodes University (ru.ac.az) offers a master's degree in a combined journalism and media studies program that was the first of its type to be offered in South Africa. Students have the option of a full- or part-time plan. The full-time plan will take from 18 months to two years to complete, while the part-time option takes two years. Half of students' grades are based on coursework and the other half is based on a thesis. Rhodes University is located in Grahamstown, South Africa.

    University of Amsterdam

    • University of Amsterdam (studeren.uva.nl) offers a research master's degree in media studies that consists of a total of 120 credits and is taken over two years. The program is divided into four 30-credit areas: core courses, electives, tutorials and a master's thesis. Due to its limited availability, students who apply are required to be participate in a rigorous selection process. University of Amsterdam is located in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

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