#  >> Standardized Tests >> PCAT

How to Improve CAT Scores

Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT) is a technique to judge an examinee's aptitude based on questions that become harder as the person continues to answer correctly. This type of entrance exam is typically used by Post Graduate Management Programs to choose candidates. Follow these steps to help improve your score on your upcoming CAT exam.


    • 1

      Study at least ten hours a day. For the vocabulary and information, read English newspapers and magazines regularly. Work on your mathematical calculations and graph solving techniques.

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      Buy a set of model CAT questions from a bookstore or download from Internet. Practice with a set of varied pattern questions to get a better idea of what type of queries appear on the test.

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      Enroll in a CAT test preparation class or hire a professional tutor to help improve your score. Work on your answering speed and practice methods to answer each question quickly and effectively.

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      Devise a strategy for the test and set a time limit for each section. Leave enough time in the end to go through your answers one last time.

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      Read each question carefully to arrive at the proper and logical answer as the test will include some perplexing answer choices. Try answering the question yourself instead of finding the answer in the options provided.

    • 6

      Choose answers that do not start with "always" and "must." These words are often used as decoys to side track an examinee. Likewise, pick answers that have an impartial and unbiased tone and are the same or closest to your calculations.

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