#  >> K-12 >> Preschool

How to Increase Positive Behavior in a Preschool Classroom

Positive behavior in a classroom can be difficult to maintain with preschool-aged children. Preschool children are just beginning to learn the process of self-control, and it may be more difficult for some children to grasp than others. Positive reinforcers -- rewards or incentives given to students that result in more desirable classroom behavior -- are a great way to help children learn self-control and promote overall positive behavior in the classroom.


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      Be positive around your students. You are a role model to your classroom and have great influence on the students' behavior. If you are positive around your students, they will be positive as well.

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      Reduce problem behavior by keeping children near socially responsible peers. This will help increase positive interaction between students and decrease problem behavior.

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      Use physical positive reinforcers to help increase desired classroom behavior. Common physical rewards are healthy snacks, stickers or toys.

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      Give internal rewards to promote positive behavior. Some examples of internal rewards are publicly praising desired behavior, sending home positive notes to parents or allowing children the opportunity to be teacher's helper.

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      Establish a class routine early and practice it over and over again. It takes preschool-aged children a while to learn new routines, but once they do, it will help create a more positive mood in the classroom.

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