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Insect Projects for Kindergarten Students

Insects may not be your favorite thing, but plenty of kindergartners find them fascinating. It is easy to prepare lessons on these creepy, crawling creatures because you can find them all around you. You can also use insect lessons as a way to teach children about caring for others. Explain that insects may not look pretty, but they're an important part of nature.
  1. Catch and Inspect

    • See how many insects you can catch right outside your own school. Cut a grapefruit in half and scoop out the flesh inside. Take children out at the end of the day and place the grapefruit shells on the ground face-down. You can also give a hollowed-out grapefruit piece to each child. Let him choose a spot where he thinks the most insects will be. Ask children to write down predictions about how many and what types of insects will be on the grapefruit in the morning. Check the grapefruit the next morning and compare the results to the predictions.

    Create a Butterfly

    • Help children develop their cutting skills by making hand-print butterflies. Give each child a sheet of white paper. Fold the paper in half and place the child's hand on the paper with the bottom of his palm against the fold. Trace the outline of his hand and have him cut out the shape with the paper still folded. Trace his index finger only on another piece of paper, and have him cut it out. Unfold the hand cutout and glue the index finger cutout on top to create the butterfly's body. Glue on antennae made from pipe cleaners and have children decorate their butterflies with crayons and glitter.

    Insects and Responsibility

    • Teach children about the parts of an insect while encouraging positive behavior with this craft. Explain that all insects have six legs, a head, a thorax and an abdomen. Some insects also have wings or antennae. Trace and cut enough of these body parts for each child to have a full set. Explain that whenever you see children being extra responsible or helpful to others, you'll give them one body part. Children can collect their parts in an envelope. Once they have all the pieces, have children tape or glue the insects together and hang them up.

    Invent a Bug

    • Most kindergartners have big imaginations. Put them to use by asking each child to create her own insect. Explain that each insect must have all the parts of an insect, such as six legs and a thorax, but beyond that children can use their creativity. Ask children to draw their insects and come up with a name. They can also invent a diet and a habitat for their insects. As the year goes on and children start to write, ask them to write short stories about their creations.

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