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Home Projects for Kindergarten Students

Whether you are a teacher looking for a home project assignment for your kindergarten students, or a parent searching for projects for your youngster, there is a wide variety of educational home project ideas to suit your needs. If you are a teacher, make sure when to provide an assignment sheet for the project, so the child can show mom and dad. This sheet should also list the materials the child will need.
  1. Holiday Decorations

    • An art or craft project creating festive holiday decorations is a good home project for kindergarten students. A child might create a Frosty the Snowman by gluing together large styrofoam balls, available at most craft stores. You can also pre-cut pieces of construction paper that the child can glue together to create reindeer or other holiday figures. Children also enjoy building or painting Christmas tree ornaments. Once the project is completed, the decorations can be displayed in the classroom or at home.

    Flash Cards

    • Creating flash cards is another home project idea that is suitable for kindergarten students. This type of project allows a kindergartner to continue to learn as they play with the cards later. For basic math flash cards, have the child draw the cards, with objects on one side and the number of the object on the other side. The child can also draw animals and the names of animals on each side of the cards.

    Decorating Folders/Pencil Box/Scrapbook

    • Kindergartners can use craft materials and stickers to decorate their school subject folders or pencil boxes. Buy stickers at a craft or toy store, or look online for a variety of different of clip art that you can print on sticky back paper. Then you can cut out the images and use them as stickers. Children can also add stickers to a scrapbook that they will be adding to throughout the school year.

    Oven Ceramics

    • From vases to cups to refrigerator magnets, oven-bake-able ceramics are fun projects kindergartners can complete with the help of mom or dad. Buy oven-bake-able clay at a crafts store, then allow the child to sculpt. Once the object is baked, the child can paint it, as well. Help your child glue a small magnet on the back of the ceramic object, allow the glue to dry, then hang it on your refrigerator.

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