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Kindergarten Classroom Crafts

Crafts help kindergarten students comprehend and retain school lessons. Crafts can be used to enhance any subject, from math to science to social studies. Crafts should be age-appropriate so kindergarten students can complete the projects with only a little assistance from a teacher. This will help children gain a sense of Independence and a feeling of accomplishment.
  1. Language Arts Crafts

    • Crafts can be used to enhance any subject, including language arts studies. Teach kindergartners about letters by having them cut out the shape of the letter and then paste magazine picture cutouts of items that start with the letter onto the letter cutout, or consider reading a book to the students and having them illustrate a picture based on the story, or ask students to write their own stories and make their own illustrations.

    Math Crafts

    • Use craft projects in conjunction with math lessons. Have kindergartners cut a tree trunk out of brown felt and the leafy part of the tree out of green felt, and attach both pieces to a felt background. Then have the students cut apple shapes out of red felt and ask them to put a certain number of apples onto the tree. They can add and remove apples in conjunction with addition and subtraction problems. Also consider having students cut a large number of items out of paper and then attach groups of items onto the paper that match the number. For instance, cut a "2" out of paper and then attach two beans, two feathers and two buttons onto the "2."

    Science Crafts

    • Make a craft to enhance a lesson in science. One example is to make a mock volcano that erupts. Use aluminum foil around a paper cup and shape it to look like a mountain. Cover the foil in clay, put three teaspoons of baking soda into the paper cup and pour in a mixture of vinegar and red food coloring into the cup and watch it erupt. Other science crafts include creating a skeleton by pasting dry pasta, rice and beans onto paper into a skeleton shape, or teaching children about butterflies by having them making butterflies by painting coffee filters and pinching the centers with a pipe cleaner to create the bodies.

    Other Craft Ideas

    • Other kindergarten classroom crafts include making musical instruments out of simple materials. Make a drum out of a round oatmeal container or a tambourine by punching holes into a paper plate and tying jingle bells to yarn and tying them to the holes. Other crafts include having the students cut pictures out of a magazine to make a collage of images that represent them, or make paper bag puppets out of simple materials such as buttons, yarn and googly eyes.

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