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Igloo Crafts for Kindergarten

Igloos are dome-shaped ice and snow shelters traditionally associated with Eskimos. The igloo has also come to symbolize winter and smaller, craft versions of the shelter can be used to decorate a home or classroom during the snow-filled months. There are several different types of igloos that kindergarten students can create.
  1. Sugar Cube Igloo

    • Most kindergarten students love sugar, so why not let them play with it and create an igloo at the same time. To make an igloo out of sugar cubes, you will need a white polystyrene foam bowl, glue, a piece of cardboard and sugar cubes. Place the bowl, open side down, on the cardboard and glue it securely. Next, cover the dome-shape of the bowl with glue and have the children cover the bowl with sugar cubes. The children can either line the cubes up neatly like bricks or they can use their own designs.

    Edible Igloo

    • You can create an igloo that will also serve as a snack by using mini marshmallows and frosting. Give each child a cup and have them turn it upside down. Cover the cup with white frosting and have the children place the mini marshmallows around the cup, creating ice blocks on the igloo. The children can also add white sprinkles or edible glitter to the frosting to create additional decorations. If the kids will be eating the igloo, make sure you use a cup that can not be easily pulled apart. You do not want the children to accidentally eat paper while digging into the igloo.

    Polystyrene Foam Ball Igloo

    • You can create a small, simple igloo using a polystyrene foam ball, glue and glitter. Take each ball and cut off the bottom, using a serrated knife. Give each child a ball and let them paint it with glue. From there, have them sprinkle iridescent white glitter on the form. Allow the glue to dry and gently shake the igloo to remove any loose glitter. The igloo can be used as a classroom decoration or can go home with each child.

    Milk Jug Igloo

    • You can create a life-sized igloo for your classroom using gallon size milk jugs and hot glue. To begin, you will need to lay out milk jugs in a circle, leaving a 3-foot opening for the door. Place jugs on their side with the handle pointing up and the top pointing in. Glue each jug to the next one until the circle is completely formed, with the exception of the opening. Add a second layer of milk jugs, placing each jug in the indentation between two jugs in the first layer. Continue adding layers, keeping the door opening, until you finish the fourth level. Place a yardstick across the door opening and add a fifth layer of jugs, this time placing jugs on top of the yardstick to begin to cover the door. Each layer will move closer to the center until you have a completely covered dome shape. The igloo can be used as a reading center or just a play area for kindergarten students.

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