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How to Do a Portfolio for Class

A road map of academic development and achievement, a class portfolio provides both the student and the instructor with a systematic chronicle of class learning objectives, activities, projects and assessment over a specific period of time. The benefit in creating the class portfolio is the concrete evidence this tool provides to determine remedial needs, course alignment for a particular student and overall assessment of a student or instructor's performance.


    • 1

      Organize the portfolio. Create an orderly flow of information that represents the overall learning experience in the class.

    • 2

      Provide a statement of purpose and an overview of the class. Identify the learning objectives, class goals and expectations. Note any special considerations required in the review of the contents of the portfolio.

    • 3

      Write a recap of each lesson experience. This will give the reviewer of the portfolio a succinct understanding of what was taught in each lesson and the overall lesson outcomes. Provide feedback about the lesson, recommending changes if necessary.

    • 4

      Insert copies of a variety of homework assignments, activities and assessments. Note comments about the difficulty or ease of the different work completed. Provide explanations for any work that received a failing grade. This will identify potential gaps in the instructional presentation or areas of disconnect with the student's understanding.

    • 5

      Create a working list of vocabulary words and definitions. This will help the student learn core vocabulary, and the student can readily refer to the list while completing class assignments.

    • 6

      Evaluate the class. Use comments and recommendations noted from each lesson. Determine if the students met the overall objectives and goals of the class. Review the overall academic performance to ascertain how much of the lesson content was mastered.

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