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How to Influence the School Board

Most school boards provide open windows of opportunity for students, parents and members of the community to offer ideas and express their viewpoints. Whether you are arguing against a tax hike, proposing a larger budget for the debate club or bringing up a pertinent issue to the board, you can take several avenues before ultimately delivering your message at a school board meeting. The message should be realistic, well-constructed, articulate and to the point.


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      Write a letter. Type the letter and address it to each member of the school board. The letter should detail your proposal or argument, and any reasoning or analysis to support it.

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      Spread the word. Use social media. Build support for the issue in the community and school by making a Facebook page in support of your campaign. Make the Facebook page an open dialog to express concerns. Invite friends and school board members, if they are wired, to join the group. Outline your case thoroughly in the info section. Invite the group to speak about the issue at the next board meeting.

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      Prepare for a school board meeting. Many school districts post their agenda on their websites well in advance of their biweekly or monthly meetings. If the district's site does not supply this information, call its public relations representative for a copy of the agenda and its rules regarding public comments.

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      Comment publicly at a school board meeting. Research and plan the speech ahead of time. The speech will be more convincing if it is spoken without the use of note cards or paper. Practice the speech beforehand; public speaking skills are vital to influencing a school board. Print enough copies of your speech, including any extra materials, for each of the board members. Tell how the district will be better off listening to your advice.

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      Request that the issue be brought to a vote at a school board meeting in the near future.

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      Publicize your position by submitting a letter to the editor of the local newspaper.

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      Be prepared to be asked by the board to expand on your public comment at a future meeting.

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